Well perverts..........we have officially received our first legal notice.......from an unlikely source.
Everyone knows I'm friends with Barry.........so the source of our first legal notice really surprises me......
Last week Barry called me and asked me to take down the thread with Jen's pics......and I said "no".........because the point of the forum is to let guys post whatever they want as long as it's legal..........and I told him the only way to get any thread down is to do it "legally".......meaning he would have to get a lawyer and "serve me legally with a stop notice" to have something removed......
So I figured that was the end of it......because it's just pictures of him and his girlfriend...........it's not like it's naked pictures or anything.........
But when I woke up this morning and checked my email inbox.........the below letter was sitting there for me:
So I'll take the Jen thread down and abide by this..........but I'm not happy about it.........somebody's ovaries must have gotten into an uproar about her pics being on a forum..........what this will do to my friendship with Barry will be interesting.......
LOL.......that's pretty fucking funny........if someone wants to spend the time to go prove it's fake.........then do it and the thread can go back up........I could give a fuck if the thread is up........but I'm also not going to spend the time myself...........I'm busy working on adding more shit to the forum for you fuckers.........I hope it isn't fake.........because I have better things to do than deal with this shit........
I bet that letter is from when that "turncoat" dude posted on BKRS calling out RSD, saying he was gonna go on the show and talk behind the scenes shit.
Either that, or when Jorge started talking about the Mehow thing.
Both of those could have been in breach of "contractual obligations"...
I'm leaning towards the Jorge, Mehow scenario based on the wording, and the "copyrighted materials" part.
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No.........if I would have done it.........I would have just got a lawyer from craigslist and paid him $50 to make one.........there are shitloads of lawyers willing to do work for dirt cheap on craigslist because of the shitty economy.......good thing they spent all that time and money going to law school........dumbasses.........
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Yeah. So the only person who could have get this letter sent is the photographer. And Barry clearly didn't take the pictures.
Clearly some random China man who acts as Barry's bitch to get some free coaching in return.
Wow...... who is julian chan anyways? Why an email.. and not a phone call. When RSD needed to talk to me.. they called me, and i spoke to owen cook in person.. i will never forget the hell that happened days ago.. the phone rang..
brrr.. brrr..
Hi, is this Casey Stanton?
Yes. whos this?
This is Owen Cook, CEO of Real Social Dynamics, the best source for dating advice, social dynamics, and self- actualization. (pause) how are you today?
i am calling to inform you, that this morning you are accuse of leaking proprietary data to a paparazzi site, in order to be picked up by an unsynicated radio show...... blah blah bah
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In Barry's defense, those were pictures of BradP himself, not of his beloved girlfriend.
Barry is just trying to keep Jen "safe".
I'm not saying I agree with him. I'm just saying it is different.
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if its a women.......... the lawyers come. i bet you Jen said something, and he had to become a hero. dont we have paparazzi rights?
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Since Barry got even kicked out of Wikipedia for not beeing worthy of any further mentioning he is pretty much on the same nobody level like me and you.
Fuck that
I would have been fine with Nick taking down the pictures out of respect for Barry but this fake lawsuit shit is lame.
The thing is, there is nothing "illegal" about posting Jen's real name, her e-mail, her mailing address, and that of Jordan too... So, if Barry want's to play that game he is going to get burned bad.
You guys should contact this lawyer (if he is even real) because I am sure impersonating a lawyer is illegal also.
BTW, I know this is fake because I never received anything from this lawyer
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Yeah it's different but I don't know what is worse. Few guys talking about Barry's chick or few hundred guys looking at Brad P's treesome pictures and at girls that were having his load all over their faces (he vividly described that situation in one of his books).
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how do they even know who you are? i think its fake. but were not sure. anyway to find out if the email is legit?
edit: if nicolaus recieve it from
its real.
There are ways to get my contact info. OR they could even send a PM on here.
Regardless, I am willing to protect the rest of Jen and Jordan's information and the remainder of the photos (I would say another 30 or so of them) if Barry agrees to start advertising PUAHATE.Com on his show and on his website on a regular basis at no cost to Nick. I will also not post them on other forums. Barry, it is in your court. You should know what other photos are available and if you want those leaked out or not.
This whole thing is fuckin gay. I hate when people do this shit.
If he had just been straight out and had pics of her from the beginning, no one would give a shit. There would be no crusade to find pics of her, no one would care. We'd see the pics, maybe flame her a bit, talk a little shit, say she's cute or ugly, photoshop her into stuff, mess around, then it'd get boring and we'd move on, end of story. Last weeks news.
It's just gay. If you're gonna be in the public eye in any capacity, even to the 123 people that dl the BKRS every day, you have to be ready for that shit. This type of stuff is why I seriously question whether he could even handle "blowing up" cuz it'd be 50x worse than it is currently.